
Midwest States OCB 2010 (resultados)

Resultados del Midwest States OCB 2010 celebrado el pasado 20 de Noviembre bajo siglas OCB (Organization of Competitive Bodybuilders) en De...

Resultados del Midwest States OCB 2010 celebrado el pasado 20 de Noviembre bajo siglas OCB (Organization of Competitive Bodybuilders) en Dekalb (Illinois, USA) y organizado por Ray Binkowski.

Resultados Midwest States OCB 2010

Bikini 1
1Āŗ Anjali Autani
2Āŗ Sara Marie Moylan
3Āŗ Angela Tusing
4Āŗ Marcea Baker
5Āŗ Amy Crook
6Āŗ Mary Scott

Bikini 2
1Āŗ Lisa Barta
2Āŗ Meghan Oneill
3Āŗ Danielle Rivera
4Āŗ Mandee Irwin
5Āŗ Carol Atchison

Figure Masters 1
1Āŗ Lori Pyper
2Āŗ Tina Kohl
3Āŗ Lisa Yoder Murdock
4Āŗ Deana Jones
5Āŗ Laurie Foote
6Āŗ Susan Zemke
7Āŗ Maria Leo-Bettner
8Āŗ Michele Petro
8Āŗ Jane Ward

Place Figure Masters 2
1Āŗ Erica George
2Āŗ Joelle Miller
3Āŗ Vikki Graham
4Āŗ Lisa White
5Āŗ Heidi Koch
6Āŗ Sharyn Staley

Place Figure Masters 3
1Āŗ Kristen Campbell
2Āŗ Stephanie Jackson
3Āŗ Rachel Williams
4Āŗ Japonica Walker
5Āŗ Lisa Rapp
6Āŗ Sharon Hoover
7Āŗ Mattie Lacy
8Āŗ Angel Elliott

Figure Novice 1
1Āŗ Sarah King
2Āŗ Laurie Foote
3Āŗ Brenda Vance
4Āŗ Nicki Kolve

Place Figure Novice 2
1Āŗ Lisa White
2Āŗ Susan Zemke
3Āŗ Maria Leo-Bettner
4Āŗ Michele Petro
5Āŗ Jane Ward
6Āŗ Terri Miller

Place Figure Novice 3
1Āŗ Erica George
2Āŗ Rebecca Conn
3Āŗ Danielle Rickard
4Āŗ Lisa Rapp
5Āŗ Mattie Lacy
6Āŗ Heidi Koch
7Āŗ Sharyn Staley
7Āŗ Rashidat Owe
8Āŗ Anne Robey

Figure Open 1
1Āŗ Lori Pyper
2Āŗ Brenda Vance
3Āŗ Laurie Foote
4Āŗ Deana Jones
5Āŗ Lindsey Vandermeer
6Āŗ Nicki Kolve

Place Figure Open 2
1Āŗ Tina Kohl
2Āŗ Vikki Graham
3Āŗ Lisa White
4Āŗ Joelle Miller
5Āŗ Amanda Steinberg
6Āŗ Susan Zemke
7Āŗ Maria Leo-Bettner
8Āŗ Lisa Yoder Murdock
9Āŗ Michele Petro

Place Figure Open 3
1Āŗ Kristen Campbell
2Āŗ Erica George
3Āŗ Stephanie Jackson
4Āŗ Morgan Coggins
5Āŗ Rachel Williams
6Āŗ Rebecca Conn
7Āŗ Japonica Walker
8Āŗ Lisa Rapp
9Āŗ Mattie Lacy
10Āŗ Sharon Hoover
11Āŗ Rashidat Owe
12Āŗ Sharyn Staley

Bodybuilding Masters
1Āŗ Ed Castillo
2Āŗ Aaron Santos
3Āŗ Sam Langston
4Āŗ Jim Kitchen
5Āŗ Dell Allen
6Āŗ Butch Lorenz
7Āŗ Lee Roupas
8Āŗ Joe Ronk

Women's Bodybuilding
1Āŗ Brandy Navas
2Āŗ Michelle Thurber
3Āŗ Theodora Djan
4Āŗ Pamela Loyd
5Āŗ Kym Santos
6Āŗ Sandra Kamm
7Āŗ Jennifer Shaffer

1Āŗ Tom Kallas
2Āŗ Matt Czubik

Bodybuilding Novice 1
1Āŗ Saburi Giwa
2Āŗ Josh Niemi
3Āŗ Ahren Baranski
4Āŗ Michael Randall
5Āŗ Tom Kallas

Place Bodybuilding Novice 2
1Āŗ Andy Bora
2Āŗ Cameron Smith
3Āŗ Rob Wilhelmi
4Āŗ Timothy Corlett
5Āŗ Douglas Kearns

Place Bodybuilding Novice 3
1Āŗ Samuel Okunola
2Āŗ Chad Forrester
3Āŗ Jim Kitchen
4Āŗ Lee Roupas
5Āŗ Joe Ronk

Bodybuilding Open 1
1Āŗ Cliff Edberg
2Āŗ Ed Castillo
3Āŗ Sam Langston
4Āŗ Jerald Collins
5Āŗ Jacob Daniels
6Āŗ Omar Henderson
7Āŗ Corry Harris
8Āŗ Tom Kallas
9Āŗ Michael Randall
10Āŗ Butch Lorenz

Place Bodybuilding Open 2
1Āŗ Andy Bora
2Āŗ Saburi Giwa
3Āŗ James Perez
4Āŗ Josh Niemi
5Āŗ Dominic Bradshaw
6Āŗ Aaron Santos
7Āŗ Rob Wilhelmi
8Āŗ John Brungardt

Place Bodybuilding Open 3
1Āŗ Samuel Okunola
2Āŗ Aaron Lobliner
3Āŗ Chad Forrester
4Āŗ Justin Kegley
5Āŗ Jim Kitchen
6Āŗ Cameron Smith
7Āŗ Mark Cameron
8Āŗ Lee Roupas
9Āŗ Douglas Kearns


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AnatomĆ­a,8,ArtĆ­culos culturismo,379,ArtĆ­culos nutriciĆ³n,410,ArtĆ­culos Olympia,5,Calendario,46,Cocina culturista,64,Competiciones y resultados,2893,Cursos,2,De compras,4,Descargas,13,Destinos,9,Diosas,1,Ejercicios,128,Esteroides,100,Estiramientos,55,Fitball,15,Flex,1,Fotos hombres,5,Fotos mujeres,13,Fotos torneos,50,Grandes culturistas,120,Hombre XXI,34,Hoy conocemos a...,94,Lesiones,31,MP3,1,Mujer XXI,124,Muscle & Fitness,1,Noticias,1156,Noticias Olympia,34,Pilates,20,Podcast,3,RegĆ­menes,79,Resultados Mr. Olympia,39,Resultados Ms. Olympia,30,Revista Ironman Magazine,1,Revista Mega Gym,1,Rutinas,28,Salud,760,Seminarios,138,Sexualidad,8,Suplementos,193,TecnologĆ­a,4,Tienda,185,VĆ­ctor Barrios,2,VĆ­deos,69,
DIARIO DE UN FISICOCULTURISTA: Midwest States OCB 2010 (resultados)
Midwest States OCB 2010 (resultados)
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