
Gerhard Neumer, nuevo presidente WABBA

En una nota de prensa enviada por correo electrĆ³nico desde la World Amateur Body Building Association (WABBA), Fabien Debecq dimite su carg...

En una nota de prensa enviada por correo electrĆ³nico desde la World Amateur Body Building Association (WABBA), Fabien Debecq dimite su cargo de presidente de dicha federaciĆ³n.

AsĆ­ pues, el puesto de Fabien Debecq serĆ” ocupado por el hasta ahora presidente de la delegaciĆ³n europea, el alemĆ”n Gerhard Neumer.

Debecq seguirĆ” vinculado a la federaciĆ³n aunque sin ocupar ningĆŗn cargo en su directiva segĆŗn muestra el actual organigrama publicado por WABBA.

AcompaƱamos carta que Debeq ha hecho pĆŗblica:

Dear President,

As I announced you during the last World Congress in November that I decided to quit my function as WABBA World President.

I officially quit my function in the beginning if this year and now Gerhard Neumer is the new World President.

I want to thank you for your support during the last years and also all your efforts to develop the WABBA in your own country and to have presented really high quality teams during the international championships.

I count on you to continue to develop the WABBA and to support and help Gerhard in his new function as WABBA World President.

On the next Juny 5th and 6th the European Championship will be held in Yekaterinburg. I will be there during the event to help Gerhard and the Technical Committee and I count on you to register with a team of high quality athletes.

Thank you again for your support during my presidency.

Thanks and regards,


JosƩ Guerrero, presidente de WABBA EspaƱa, y Fabien Debecq durante un congreso internacional WABBA


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DIARIO DE UN FISICOCULTURISTA: Gerhard Neumer, nuevo presidente WABBA
Gerhard Neumer, nuevo presidente WABBA
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