
Pride of the Atlantic OCB 2010 (resultados)

Resultados del 2010 OCB Pride of the Atlantic que ofreciĆ³ el SĆ”bado 15 de Mayo en la Maggie L. Walker Governors School de Richmond, Virgini...

Resultados del 2010 OCB Pride of the Atlantic que ofreciĆ³ el SĆ”bado 15 de Mayo en la Maggie L. Walker Governors School de Richmond, Virginia (USA) competiciones de culturismo masculino, femenino y figuras.

Matt Shepley fue el organizador de este evento del que salieron nuevos profesionales como las campeonas absolutas Heather Traves en figuras, Sheila Wellington en culturismo femenino y Dave Davis como campeĆ³n absoluto de culturismo masculino.

Resultados Pride of the Atlantic OCB 2010

Ms. Fitness

1Āŗ Shelly Briscoe #1

Female Fitness Model
1Āŗ Alison Bimba #50
2Āŗ Sansarae Pickett #54
3Āŗ Ashley Mylius #52
4Āŗ Abbie Friedberg #51

Figure Novice Short
1Āŗ Alina Reyes #65*
2Āŗ Kristin Wight #66
3Āŗ Monica Anctil #67
4Āŗ Marylynn Morales #62
5Āŗ Brandie Russell #64

Figure Novice Middle
1Āŗ Shelley Lear #70
2Āŗ Regina Lewis #82
3Āŗ Margie Conejo #69
4Āŗ Elaina Stanton #75
5Āŗ Jackie Dolch #78

Figure Novice Tall
1Āŗ Johanna Becker #89
2Āŗ Ashley Mylius #92
3Āŗ Sansarae Pickett #95
4Āŗ Angela Brown-Sells #91

Figure Grand Masters Age 45+
1Āŗ Kristin Wight #66
2Āŗ Wilma McFadden #84
3Āŗ Laura Dreith #79
4Āŗ Frances Monroe #76
5Āŗ Dee Owens #74
6Āŗ Inola Garrett #77
7Āŗ Japonica Walker #88

Figure Masters Age 35+ Short
1Āŗ Heather Traves #72*
2Āŗ Linda Buchert #68
3Āŗ Lori Beach #80
4Āŗ Pamela Willis #63
5Āŗ Shelley Lear #70
6Āŗ Jackie Dolch #78
7Āŗ Dee Owens #74
8Āŗ Elaina Stanton #75

Figure Masters Age 35+ Tall
1Āŗ Betty Napier #86
2Āŗ Wilma McFadden #84
3Āŗ Tammy Courtney #83
4Āŗ Angela Brown-Sells #91
5Āŗ Japonica Walker #88

Figure Open Short
1Āŗ Heather Traves #72*(P)
2Āŗ Linda Buchert #68
3Āŗ Pamela Willis #63
4Āŗ Alina Reyes #65
5Āŗ Shelley Lear #70
6Āŗ Monica Anctil #67
7Āŗ Margie Conejo #69
8Āŗ Marylynn Morales #62
9 Brandie Russell #64
10Āŗ Tracy Wright #71

Figure Open Middle
1Āŗ Regina Lewis #82
2Āŗ Lori Beach #80
3Āŗ Wilma McFadden #84
4Āŗ Abbie Friedberg #73
5Āŗ Jackie Dolch #78
6Āŗ Donneshia Edmond #81
7Āŗ Frances Monroe #76
8Āŗ Tammy Courtney #83
9Āŗ Dee Owens #74
10Āŗ Elaina Stanton #75

Figure Open Tall
1Āŗ Lani Kuhlow #90 (BP)
2Āŗ Betty Napier #86
3Āŗ Alicia Wells #93
4Āŗ Ashley Mylius #92
5Āŗ Johanna Becker #89
6Āŗ Regina LeBlanc #85
7Āŗ Sansarae Pickett #95
8Āŗ Angela Brown-Sells #91
9Āŗ Japonica Walker #88

Women’s Bodybuilding Novice
1Āŗ Adeline Ntam #4
2Āŗ Amy Palm #5
3Āŗ Kim Thumel #10

Women’s Bodybuilding Grand Masters Age 45+
1Āŗ Dawn Muth #7
2Āŗ Patricia Leonard #3
3Āŗ Lynn Combs #9
4Āŗ Kim Thumel #10

Women’s Bodybuilding Masters Age 35+
1Āŗ Sheila Wellington #2 (BP)
2Āŗ Dawn Muth #7
3Āŗ Blanche Hines #6

Women’s Bodybuilding Open
1Āŗ Sheila Wellington #2*(P)
2Āŗ Dawn Muth #7
3Āŗ Adeline Ntam #4
4Āŗ Amy Palm #5
5Āŗ Patricia Leonard #3
6Āŗ Blanche Hines #6
7Āŗ Kim Thumel #10
8Āŗ Lynn Combs #9
9Āŗ Ingani Franklin #8

Male Fitness Model
1Āŗ Antonio Stephen #57
2Āŗ Anthony Hale #56
3Āŗ Shawn Scales #59
4Āŗ Robert Reid #58

Men’s Novice
1Āŗ Matthew Lyttle #29
2Āŗ Jonathan James #28
3Āŗ Anthony Hale #32
4Āŗ Donnie DeHaven #17
5Āŗ Jesse Huckins #27
6Āŗ Adam Siegel #31
7Āŗ Brandon Sabbs #15
8Āŗ Bobby Coburn #30
9Āŗ Mike Studd #41

Men’s Grand Masters Age 50+
1Āŗ Alonzo Allen #14
2Āŗ Kevin Parrott #45
3Āŗ Hercules Peoples #20
4Āŗ Matt Davis #18
5Āŗ Langston Brooks #38
6Āŗ Melvin Ware #44 (BP)
7Āŗ Joe Musgrave #23
8Āŗ Davis Ainsley #16

Men’s Masters Age 40+
1Āŗ Dave Davis #40
2Āŗ Charles Jones #36
3Āŗ Juan Salinas #47
4Āŗ Hercules Peoples #20
5Āŗ Matt Davis #18
6Āŗ Donnie DeHaven #17
7Āŗ Langston Brooks #38
8Āŗ Steven Rice #22
9Āŗ Vernon Thompkins #13

Men’s Open Short
1Āŗ Ken Brumfield #21
2Āŗ Alonzo Allen #14
3Āŗ Adam Suvanich #19
4Āŗ Matt Davis #18
5Āŗ Hercules Peoples #20
6Āŗ Ryan Groll #24
7Āŗ Steven Rice #22
8Āŗ Brandon Sabbs #15
9Āŗ Joe Musgrave #23
10Āŗ David Ainsley #16

Men’s Open Middle
1Āŗ William Edwards #35
2Āŗ Matthew Lyttle #29
3Āŗ Anthony Campanale #26
4Āŗ Joseph Freeman #25
5Āŗ Jonathan James #28
6Āŗ Adam Siegel #31
7Āŗ Michael Goll #34
8Āŗ James Autry #33

Men’s Open Tall
1Āŗ Dave Davis #40*(P)
2Āŗ Justin Evans #46
3Āŗ Charles Jones #36
4Āŗ Stephen Haynes #48
5Āŗ Juan Salinas #47
6Āŗ Larry Criswell #43
7Āŗ Kevin Parrott #45
8Āŗ Clinton Beach #37
9Āŗ Nathan Savolskis #39

* Division Winner
(P) IFPA Pro Card Winner
(BP) Best Poser/Presentation


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AnatomĆ­a,8,ArtĆ­culos culturismo,379,ArtĆ­culos nutriciĆ³n,413,ArtĆ­culos Olympia,5,Calendario,46,Cocina culturista,64,Competiciones y resultados,2893,Cursos,2,De compras,4,Descargas,13,Destinos,9,Diosas,1,Ejercicios,128,Esteroides,100,Estiramientos,55,Fitball,15,Flex,1,Fotos hombres,5,Fotos mujeres,13,Fotos torneos,50,Grandes culturistas,120,Hombre XXI,34,Hoy conocemos a...,94,Lesiones,31,MP3,1,Mujer XXI,124,Muscle & Fitness,1,Noticias,1156,Noticias Olympia,34,Pilates,20,Podcast,3,RegĆ­menes,79,Resultados Mr. Olympia,39,Resultados Ms. Olympia,30,Revista Ironman Magazine,1,Revista Mega Gym,1,Rutinas,28,Salud,760,Seminarios,138,Sexualidad,8,Suplementos,193,TecnologĆ­a,4,Tienda,185,VĆ­ctor Barrios,2,VĆ­deos,69,
DIARIO DE UN FISICOCULTURISTA: Pride of the Atlantic OCB 2010 (resultados)
Pride of the Atlantic OCB 2010 (resultados)
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