Resultados del 2010 OCB Battle for the Sword , torneo que reuniĆ³ pruebas de culturismo natural, figuras y fitness model, celebrado en el aud...
Resultados del 2010 OCB Battle for the Sword, torneo que reuniĆ³ pruebas de culturismo natural, figuras y fitness model, celebrado en el auditorio de la Moon Middle High School de Moon Township, Pennsylvania (USA) el SĆ”bado 2 de Octubre.
Organizado por Beth y Roger Duchon, el evento proclamĆ³ vencedores absolutos a Tanya Fennell, R.J. Perkin y Katie Dernoshek en bikini, culturismo masculino y culturismo femenino respectivamente.
Resultados Battle for the Sword OCB 2010
Female Fitness Model
1Āŗ Katie Dernoshek #66
2Āŗ Mayra Aranda #65
1Āŗ Tanya Fennell #63
2Āŗ Carly Vangura #64
3Āŗ Mayra Aranda #65
4Āŗ Lisa Withrow #62
Figure Novice
1Āŗ Leslie Smith #95
2Āŗ Leslie Seckel #92
3Āŗ Christin Durham #91
4Āŗ Tina Cassidy #90
Figure Masters Age 35+
1Āŗ Frances Monroe #97
2Āŗ Leslie Seckel #92
3Āŗ Japonica Walker #96
4Āŗ Janice Parsons #93
5Āŗ Mary Fox #94
Figure Open
1Āŗ Katie Dernoshek #66
2Āŗ Frances Monroe #97
3Āŗ Leslie Seckel #92
4Āŗ Leslie Smith #95
5Āŗ Japonica Walker #96
6Āŗ Janice Parsons #93
7Āŗ Mary Fox #94
Men’s Novice Short
1Āŗ Julius Scott #159
2Āŗ Mike Van Etten #158
3Āŗ Robert Bonsall #169
4Āŗ Brian Zurchin #132
5Āŗ Ed Wright #164
Men’s Novice Tall
1Āŗ Joe Terranova #157*
2Āŗ John Grimm #161
3Āŗ Bob Schlegel #165
4Āŗ Thomas MacNeal #160
Men’s Age 50+
1Āŗ Mike Van Etten #158
2Āŗ Melvin Ware #168
Men’s Masters Age 40+
1Āŗ Tyrone Miller #149
2Āŗ Mike Van Etten #158
3Āŗ Melvin Ware #168
4Āŗ Robert Bonsall #169
5Āŗ Bob Schlegel #165
Men’s Age 35+
1Āŗ Joe Terranova #157
2Āŗ Kevin Perris #1623
3Āŗ Brian Zurchin #132
Men’s Open Bantamweight
1Āŗ Ali Al-Hassan #156
2Āŗ John Grimm #161
3Āŗ Robert Bonsall #169
4Āŗ Brian Zurchin #132
5Āŗ Ed Wright #164
Men’s Open Lightweight
1Āŗ RJ Perkin #155*
2Āŗ Adam Fabbri #167
3Āŗ Jess Taylor #166
4Āŗ Mike Van Etten #158
5Āŗ Julius Scott #159
6Āŗ Joe Terranova #157
7Āŗ Kevin Perris #162
8Āŗ Thomas MacNeal #160
Men’s Open Heavyweight
1Āŗ Nathan Partridge #150
2Āŗ Tyrone Miller #149
* Division Winner
Organizado por Beth y Roger Duchon, el evento proclamĆ³ vencedores absolutos a Tanya Fennell, R.J. Perkin y Katie Dernoshek en bikini, culturismo masculino y culturismo femenino respectivamente.
Resultados Battle for the Sword OCB 2010
Female Fitness Model
1Āŗ Katie Dernoshek #66
2Āŗ Mayra Aranda #65
1Āŗ Tanya Fennell #63
2Āŗ Carly Vangura #64
3Āŗ Mayra Aranda #65
4Āŗ Lisa Withrow #62
Figure Novice
1Āŗ Leslie Smith #95
2Āŗ Leslie Seckel #92
3Āŗ Christin Durham #91
4Āŗ Tina Cassidy #90
Figure Masters Age 35+
1Āŗ Frances Monroe #97
2Āŗ Leslie Seckel #92
3Āŗ Japonica Walker #96
4Āŗ Janice Parsons #93
5Āŗ Mary Fox #94
Figure Open
1Āŗ Katie Dernoshek #66
2Āŗ Frances Monroe #97
3Āŗ Leslie Seckel #92
4Āŗ Leslie Smith #95
5Āŗ Japonica Walker #96
6Āŗ Janice Parsons #93
7Āŗ Mary Fox #94
Men’s Novice Short
1Āŗ Julius Scott #159
2Āŗ Mike Van Etten #158
3Āŗ Robert Bonsall #169
4Āŗ Brian Zurchin #132
5Āŗ Ed Wright #164
Men’s Novice Tall
1Āŗ Joe Terranova #157*
2Āŗ John Grimm #161
3Āŗ Bob Schlegel #165
4Āŗ Thomas MacNeal #160
Men’s Age 50+
1Āŗ Mike Van Etten #158
2Āŗ Melvin Ware #168
Men’s Masters Age 40+
1Āŗ Tyrone Miller #149
2Āŗ Mike Van Etten #158
3Āŗ Melvin Ware #168
4Āŗ Robert Bonsall #169
5Āŗ Bob Schlegel #165
Men’s Age 35+
1Āŗ Joe Terranova #157
2Āŗ Kevin Perris #1623
3Āŗ Brian Zurchin #132
Men’s Open Bantamweight
1Āŗ Ali Al-Hassan #156
2Āŗ John Grimm #161
3Āŗ Robert Bonsall #169
4Āŗ Brian Zurchin #132
5Āŗ Ed Wright #164
Men’s Open Lightweight
1Āŗ RJ Perkin #155*
2Āŗ Adam Fabbri #167
3Āŗ Jess Taylor #166
4Āŗ Mike Van Etten #158
5Āŗ Julius Scott #159
6Āŗ Joe Terranova #157
7Āŗ Kevin Perris #162
8Āŗ Thomas MacNeal #160
Men’s Open Heavyweight
1Āŗ Nathan Partridge #150
2Āŗ Tyrone Miller #149
* Division Winner